Human Resource Management - Best Practices at Marriott International
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Case Details:
Case Code : HROB064
Case Length : 18 Pages
Period : 1997-2004
Pub Date : 2004
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : Marriott International
Industry : Hospitality
Countries : USA
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International case study
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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"That guest's room may be our product, but our associate's
caring attitude is our value. We can't measure it with statistics, and we can't
manufacture it. We can deliver that value only if we can attract, retain and
inspire the best people - with what we call 'The Spirit to Serve.'''1
- JW Marriott Jr., CEO, Marriott International.
"The comments from our customers is not about how nice the
building is but about how nice the people are, how good the service is, how
hospitable the employees are. That is what makes the difference, because people
from the top all the way down to the organization really care."2
- JW Marriott Jr., CEO, Marriott International.
The Spirit to Serve
Once, when a customer checked in at an Anaheim Marriott hotel, she was in a very
disturbed state of mind. It was on her way to the hotel that she learnt of her
sister's death. The worst part was that she had to wait the whole night at the
hotel to board a flight the next morning.
As she checked into the hotel, Charles, who was looking after room service,
asked her why she was upset. On hearing her reply, he assured her of any help
she might need through the night. Soon after, Charles returned with a pot of
coffee and a piece of apple pie, at his own expense. He also handed her a
sympathy card, signed by seven of his colleagues.
By pooling some money contributed by his colleagues, he brought some flowers
and gave them to her, saying, "We just wanted you to know you're not among
strangers here."3
Narrating this incident to JW Marriott Jr., the CEO of Marriott
International Inc4 (Bill
Marriott), the customer wrote, "Mr. Marriott, I'll never meet you.
And I don't need to meet you because I met Charles. I know what you
stand for.
I know what your values are. I want to assure you that as long as I
live; I will stay at your hotels and tell my friends to stay at your
That night I realized that you care more about me as a person than
you do about the few dollars I spent at your hotel."5 |
Human Resource Management - Best Practices at Marriott International
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